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Hi! I'm Leigh Anne

Self-Discovery is a no-judgement zone.

I'm a woman who wants to love my life and accept myself. Every day, in every way.


That is why there is no judgement here. Everyone is unique. Different needs, wants, challenges, desires, sparks of joy, and traumas. Each of us is on our own road, constantly learning what it means to be our favorite version of ourselves. 


What we create for ourselves, we naturally share with the world. If we create chaos, we share chaos. If we create love, we share love.


I believe that self-love is the path to generating more love in the world. If we can build it within, we can share it in the world.


I believe that self-discovery is a no-judgement zone. 


I'm here to find what adds fuel to my  enjoyment of life and then do more of that. 


My last 4-5 years have been filled with a lot of inner transformation. Pleasure, joy, and contentment in life have become my focus and I have shed a lot of fear and anxiety to make room for those things.


I'm just now touching on the concept of creating a life I love. It's a process.  I feel so empowered when I learn new things about myself and then build off of that knowledge to create a life I'm even more in love with.


Negative emotions tell you just as much as positive emotions in directing you towards a happier life. There is no wrong or bad experience; only learning. It's like playing a game of hot-or-cold where fire is the ultimate joy. The cold/negative experiences just tell you which direction you do not want to go in. 



Build presence, grow love, become empowered, change your world.

Explore With Me


If you are interested in hanging out with me for a one-on-one zoom session, I would love to explore with you how you can take steps toward creating more good days! You can follow the link below to set up an exploratory session.

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